Food Tasting @ Corus Hotel & Gift Exchange @ Sunway SPK
time flies.... it's only around one month away from my big day.... and we decided to go for the food tasting provided by the hotel... we reached around 7pm and the dinner ended at 9++...

the menu on the table.... there's a paper for us to leave our comments on the food...


the menu with our names on it...

Lim Zi Bin...
we stayed for a while to discuss about the food with the manager - Jane... she took over from the sales executive who resigned end of November.... and, we finalized everything with her...

a pic at the lounge....

with the giant Christmas tree... opss, Bin Bin's eyes were closed.... :P

three of us... this pic looked a bit dark...

mother and son with the reindeer....
left Corus Hotel around 11pm... went to my uncle's house at Sunway SPK for the advance Christmas Gift Exchange with my cousins....

so many pressie...
we waited for Ken till 12am !! it was his birthday on the 13th of December.... we gave him a surprise birthday celebration... when the lights turned off, we sang a birthday song followed by a birthday cake by Nyan...

so blur....

make a wish and cut the cake....
next, it was the exchange session... everyone got their lucky number and took the gift from the "buyer"...




and the happy birthday boy....
it was a happy night, however some misfortune incident happened to us.... since the surrounding area was full with cars, and we thought that we're not gonna stay long at my uncle's house... i suggested my Dear to park his car in front of the opposite house...
we're so unlucky... when we're about to leave around 12.30am, there were some banging on the gate... we knew that the car was blocking, so once we opened the sliding glass door, the first word my Dear said was "SORRY".... and you know what we get in return ???? the F (f**k) word .... it's not one but uncountable F words... and we did apologized many times but still the stooooopid drunkard malay or what-shit i don't f**king care (sorry for my language) kept on shooting us with his F words... what the hell !!!!
who you think you are ?? some asshole rich fella staying at some big house that can scold people like that ?? at 12.30am, in front of your house ??? oh my God... if you really give face to your neighbour, you shouldn't have use the F word at the first place... and your wife is gonna give birth anytime soon, is that the right early education for your baby ??? GOD knows.
anyway, we did removed the car after some 10-15 mins war.... we went back into the house and took my handbag.... when we wanna get inside the car... we're shocked to discover that there's a deep scratch on his car door... can you imagine what a BASTARD he is ????? again, we went to his gate and keep on pressing the bell.... and, who will actually admit that stupid act ??? he claimed that the road was too narrow and the other passing car did that... again, he thought that we're so stupid to differentiate the scratches made between a key and another car !!! it's ridiculous...
whatever it is, we have no proof to argue anymore... but i DO believe there is KARMA.... and your GOD is watching you... !!!
if you want to know where the Bastard house is, go check it yourself.... the corner house at Jalan Daun Inai 4, Sunway SPK.....