My BIG Day (By Gino Lee)
- Morning Session -
this set of photos taken by another professional photographer... he's actually younger than me 4 years !!
Warning: another post with lots and lots of photos... :P


dolling up...
some random pics...

my wedding gown and shoe...
big name tag for the HengDai...

my shoe nice ah ??

ohh my god... ghost !!

my ROM group photo - dated 20.09.2009...
the Ji Mui preparing the things...

my Mum helped me on with the earrings...
my uncle and aunt put on the veil...

done !

my pretty ji mui and me...
since the groom was late, we have so much time to take photos, family by family... :P

Mum and Sis...

family photo....

family pic...

family pic again...
more family pic....

me and the Chang sisters....
more shots of us... hahaa... so funny !!

praying time...

it's actually a PEACE sign...

nice ??

random shot...

luv this !

wrist corsages for the ji mui...

finally... they arrived !!
games and more games...

love pledge...

signing the contract...

sealed with a kiss...

handing over the agreement...

Jay & Atrica...

yam cha ceremony...
mummy dearest...
and the auntiesss....

the only family photo cos we're rushing...

in da lift...
my Mum-in-Law...

us again...

tea for myself ??

black n white...

family photo...

opsss.. my MIL's eyes were closed...
what are we doing ??
Bin Bin...

removing my veil...

and his coat...

a pic with the ji muis...

YY & CC...

my makeup artist - Jerry Han....

Keat, what are you doing there ??
our Bridal car...

i luv this pic... so natural smile :)

inside the car...


last pic by Gino for the morning session...
next update - dinner session at Corus Hotel...
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