ROM @ Thean Hou temple - 20092009
- Part 1 -
finally, the day has arrived.... it's 20.09.2009 !! i've selected this auspicious date for my ROM... hehee... we're the STAR of the day with at least 5 cameras shooting us non-stop... hahaaa... since we took like 1,564,321 photos, i've decided to write in a few posts.... hehee...
mind you, this post is gonna be full of photos from my camera only and mostly are group photos... hehee.... (p/s: my official photographer of the day is my cousin - Kelvin)
woke up early around 9am... we reached Thean Hou temple just in the right timing... hehee... most of our "supporters" were already there waiting for us... :P *paiseh*
i've set the color theme to RED and PINK !!! we're in the Chinese New Year mood ler... hahaaa... or some who doesnt have it, they wore white... hehee... .

me, mummy and my aunties who came all the way from JB and Singapore... it was a surprise visit !!!
Jasmine, me and Nyan... see my cousins wearing the same red shirt ??!! they bought it last minute, night before my ROM... it was a surprise visit from them, remember ???

after much photo taking, it's the time for the "paper signing" ceremony... hahaaa... but there're no photos from my camera, only some videos of us signing the blue paper... :P
by the way, we're the last couple of the day... so, we took our own sweet time... :)

JK and CC....

since, we're in a real big group... it took us some time to coordinate all of them... especially for the group photo... but we managed to get it done around 20-30 minutes... i've selected the main staircase for the last photo session before heading for lunch nearby...

all of us.... !!! see, around 50 of us... hahaaaa.....
next, we went for a lunch at Restaurant Siu Siu... not much photos taken... after lunch, we went to my godparent's house at Sunway SPK...

coming up next... photos taken by Mr Photographer - Kelvin...
stay tuned...
so sweet >.<
wow ... really like CNY cum ManU fan ... you brought the whole MANU fan to your ROM!! Congrats babe ... now you are officially Mrs Voo ..
yeap yeappp ManU fans... hehee...
thanks dear, when is ur turn to become Mrs Chan ??? :P
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